200,000 Miles and More โ How to Get There
Soon after my last article was in the paper, I received a call from a long time customer who said, I have a vehicle for you to take a picture of and I have a quote for you. When Bill came in he reminded me his Dad bought this 2000 Corolla brand new and we have done all the service on it since then. After taking the picture and thinking about his quote, I wanted to write an article about “consistency”. Instead I wrote about something else.
My sister is an English professor teaching at a Tusculum College in East Tennessee. She’s been correcting my punctuation, grammar and making general comments, like she would one of her students. Sunday morning I received an email back from her. This time she said it was all grammatically correct, but in a very nice way said the article sucked. So here I am Sunday afternoon starting over. I have posted all previous articles on my web site, including this one and the original version along with her comments.
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines con·sis·tent as : always acting or behaving in the same way : of the same quality; especially : good each time : continuing to happen or develop in the same way.
I’ve written about saving money on vehicle ownership, complete vehicle inspections and alignment checks. The key to proper maintenance is to do these inspections consistently. We used to have a rule to not look over a vehicle if it had been done within the last 3,000 miles. Experience has changed that. For example, a headlight or directional at some point will work one second and not the next. Our rule now is to be consistent or do it “in the same way,” “of the same quality” every visit. Alignments can be okay today, but you hit a pothole or a frost heave tomorrow, it may not be then. We recommend checking your alignment consistently so that it is “good each time” you drive. Preventive maintenance requires “continuing to happen” action. If you have the desire to make your vehicle last longer, stay safe, be reliable and cost you less, we recommend your vehicle maintenance be consistent. Maybe someday you can pass on your well maintained vehicle to someone, like Bill’s Dad did for him.
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Written on Wednesday, April 16, 2014 by Permalink | Comments: 0 | Comments RSS
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